Easter Archivi - Holyart.co.uk Blog


Lenten fasting: what it means and how to practice it

Lenten fasting: what it means and how to practice it

Contents1 Who is required to fast during Lent?2 How to fast during Lent3 What is not allowed to be eaten on Fridays during Lent? Lenten fasting is a practice of preparation for Easter that should be accompanied by prayer and almsgiving, as Pope Francis wrote…

The life of Mary after the Resurrection of Jesus

The life of Mary after the Resurrection of Jesus

What became of Our Lady after the Resurrection of Jesus? Let’s investigate Mary’s life through the Gospels, up to the day of her Assumption into Heaven What happened to Mary the mother of Jesus after the death and Resurrection of Her Son? The Gospels do…

The events of the Passion of Jesus: from the Last Supper to His Crucifixion

The events of the Passion of Jesus: from the Last Supper to His Crucifixion

Contents1 The Last Supper2 Jesus in Gethsemane3 The Denial of St. Peter4 The trial at Pontius Pilate5 The Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus The Passion of Jesus is the highest and most terrible moment of his parable among men. From the Last Supper to the…

Easter: 10 curiosities about the symbols of the Passion of Christ

Easter: 10 curiosities about the symbols of the Passion of Christ

Contents1 The crown of thorns2 Where is the Holy Shroud3 The tomb of Jesus4 The Cross of Christ5 What are the Holy Nails6 What does INRI mean on the Cross7 The last words of Jesus8 What is the Holy Staircase?9 Who were the two thieves10…

The washing of the feet, the symbol of God’s love

The washing of the feet, the symbol of God’s love

The washing of the feet is one of the greatest gestures of God’s love. Here is how it happened and how it is repeated every year between the rites of Holy Thursday There is one particular episode that is told only in one of the…

Palm Sunday: history and meaning of the celebration

Palm Sunday: history and meaning of the celebration

Contents1 The liturgy of Palm Sunday2 Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem3 The meaning of the blessed olive branches Palm Sunday is the last Sunday before Easter. With it begins Holy Week. Here is what is celebrated and how. Anyone among us who grew up in…

The Mount of Olives, among the places dearest to Jesus

The Mount of Olives, among the places dearest to Jesus

Contents1 The biblical episodes that occurred on the Mount of Olives.2 Gethsemane or Garden of Olives.3 Jesus’ agony in Luke’s Gospel The Mount of Olives has since ancient times been a place of mysteries, the scene of great biblical events. This is where the Passion…

Simon of Cyrene, the man who helped Jesus carry the cross

Simon of Cyrene, the man who helped Jesus carry the cross

Who helped Jesus carry the cross? Simon of Cyrene, despite himself a participant in the Passion and protagonist of the fifth station of the Way of the Cross. But who was he? The Synoptic Gospels recount the journey of Jesus to the hill of the…

Jesus’ crown of thorns and its meanings

Jesus’ crown of thorns and its meanings

Jesus’ crown of thorns is one of the most emblematic symbols of the Passion. Let’s find out why and what has happened to it over the centuries In ancient times, when a Roman soldier performed acts of great bravery, such that he rendered great service…

Easter Monday or Angel Monday? Let’s find out why they are called so

Easter Monday or Angel Monday? Let’s find out why they are called so

Contents1 Easter Monday, Angel Monday, Little Easter2 The Catholic Feasts of Obligation3 How is celebrated Easter Monday Why is the Monday after Easter called Easter Monday? How is Angel Monday celebrated? You will find out in this article. Perhaps not everyone knows that Easter lasts…

The animal symbols of Christian Easter

The animal symbols of Christian Easter

Contents1 The lamb in Easter2 Easter Bunnies3 Lion (Lion of Judah)4 European Goldfinch5 Dove6 Easter Chick Doves, rabbits, lambs: as animals and other elements of the natural world become symbols of Easter Men have always reflected themselves in the world around them. How can it…

The symbolism of the Easter Lamb

The symbolism of the Easter Lamb

Easter is getting closer, carrying its solemn suggestions and symbols full of spirituality. The Easter Cross, candles, lamb. Not just simple traditions, but objects of devotion and spiritual renovation. Let’s check them out. If we should explain what we celebrate for Easter to a child,…

Easter in art: the most beautiful artworks representing the passion of Christ

Easter in art: the most beautiful artworks representing the passion of Christ

Contents1 The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci and The Last Supper by Giotto2 The Crucifixion by Giotto3 The Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio4 The Lamentation over the dead Christ by Mantegna5 The Pietà by Michelangelo and the Lamentation of Christ by Giotto6 The Resurrection…

The Easter Nativity scene, an ancient tradition to be rediscovered

The Easter Nativity scene, an ancient tradition to be rediscovered

Contents1 Why make an Easter scene at home2 Easter Nativity statues3 Meaning of Easter4 DIY Easter Scene Easter Nativity? Of course! In our country, it is an ancient and much-loved tradition. But when should it be set up? What are the characteristic figurines? Let’s find…

How is Easter calculated?

How is Easter calculated?

Contents1 How is Jewish passover calculated?2 Christian Easter3 High or low Easter: what is meant? Each year changes date but remains the most important holiday: in this article, you will find out how Easter is calculated in the Jewish and Christian world. The most important…

Lenten Fioretti: 5 ideas on small sacrifices or things to do

Lenten Fioretti: 5 ideas on small sacrifices or things to do

Contents1 How to make a religious foil2 How to make a foil to the Madonna3 What do we have to give up?4 Religious foil not maintained Lent, a time of penance, prayer and devotion. What are the most suitable Lenten florets to prepare for Easter…

Ash Wednesday: what it is about

Ash Wednesday: what it is about

Contents1 The Meaning of Ash Wednesday2 Why is ash used?3 Ash Wednesday fasting Carnival is about to end. After Shrove Tuesday there is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. But where does this particular festival originate? What is Ash Wednesday? Where does its…

Fasting as proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje

Fasting as proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje

The fasting proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje is just one of the forms of fasting encouraged by the Church since its origins. Why do we fast? What are the physical and spirituals pros of such practice? Moreover, what are the rules to undertake fasting…