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Fasting as proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje

Fasting as proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje

The fasting proposed by Our Lady of Medjugorje is just one of the forms of fasting encouraged by the Church since its origins. Why do we fast? What are the physical and spirituals pros of such practice? Moreover, what are the rules to undertake fasting…

Easter Blessings to families

Easter Blessings to families

The tradition of blessing during Lent and Easter is very ancient and represents one of the most important moments of the liturgical year, not only for the faithful receiving it, but also for the priests giving it. Let’s find out why. We talked previously about…

Blessed olive branches at Easter: should you keep them or throw them away?

Blessed olive branches at Easter: should you keep them or throw them away?

Contents1 But why olive branches?2 And once Easter has passed, what should we do with the olive branches?3 How can we keep the olive branch without ruining it? When we go to Church on Palm Sunday, the last one before Easter, we receive a blessed…

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The feast for the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the so called movable Feasts, that is, it occurs on a different date in different years. The most evident movable Feast is Easter, whose date changes every year. Actually, most of the movable Feasts…

The Egg as a symbol of Easter

The Egg as a symbol of Easter

Whenever we think of Easter, apart from the religious significance of this festival for Christians, the first thought that probably comes to mind is chocolate eggs, which we give away as gifts for the occasion. The Easter egg is a form gluttony covered with coloured,…

The host in the Eucharistic celebration

The host in the Eucharistic celebration

The host is the unleavened bread that symbolizes the body of Christ during the celebration of the Eucharist, the celebration which started by Jesus during the Last Supper. In fact, the host is not just a vehicle between us and Jesus, but, after the consecration…

The feast of Corpus Christi

The feast of Corpus Christi

The feast of Corpus Christi (“Body of Christ”) ends the festival that follows after Easter. It is celebrated on Thursday after the celebration of the Holy Trinity, although in many countries it falls on the following Sunday. The feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the real…

Pentecost: the day when we celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church

Pentecost: the day when we celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church

Pentecost is perhaps, after Easter, one of the most important festivities of the Catholic Church. It’s the celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Most Holy Trinity, after the Resurrection of Jesus and, in a sense, the very birth…

The origins of Easter

The origins of Easter

Easter is perhaps the most important of Christian holidays. Present in all practices, it reminds and celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus. Its origins are lost in time and its reminiscences and rites remind not only of the Jewish Easter, but also of ancient pagan cults.…

Paschal candle: the light that frees us from darkness

Paschal candle: the light that frees us from darkness

The Christ-Light axiom is one of the most recurring in the Catholic religion. From the origins of the Liturgy, light from lamps and candles was used as symbol of light of the Resurrection of Jesus: a light, which can dissipate the darkness of the darkest…

The dove in Christian iconography

The dove in Christian iconography

Even before the birth of Jesus, the dove was considered an animal with a strong symbolic value. For the Greeks was a symbol of love and a messenger of the goddess Aphrodite. In Egypt, it was used as a shipping bird, to send messages. Among…

Pope Francis’s tips for Lent

Pope Francis’s tips for Lent

Lent is the liturgical period preceding Easter and, in a sense, it allows the faithful to prepare for its celebrations. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday, and is characterised by fasting and penance, prayer and charity, in a path of purification…

Russian painted eggs: symbol of the Resurrection of Christ

Russian painted eggs: symbol of the Resurrection of Christ

The egg is always, in every culture, a symbol of life. The tradition of giving real eggs painted or made of various materials, is both religious and secular in all countries. It has origins in paganism: the egg as a symbol of rebirth and fertility,…