Liturgical vestments - Blog

Liturgical vestments

Liturgical vestments

With Liturgical Vestments, or Sacred Vestments we intend all clothes and linens, vestments and altar cloths used during mass celebrations from clergy.

Liturgical Vestment” has taken over in time of the previous definition “Sacred Vestment”, especially after the Liturgical Reform.

Apparel has an important role in the Liturgy, which is a true moment of celebration of the meeting with our God. Together with other symbols and gestures of the liturgy, these priest vestments are a significant part of the ceremony. And as for any other ceremony, you need the right clothes for it.

Already in the past there were clothes reserved for celebrations. The priests did not wear normal clothes, instead something thought for the liturgy, liturgical vestments that symbolize unworldliness.

Chasubles, stoles, copes, dalmatics, altar cloths, albs, lectern covers are all liturgical vestments, available in different colours, according to the liturgical period during the year.

The priest vestments are normally hand-made, often hand-embroided and full of decorations. Subsequently to rank, the liturgical vestments are different.

Special prayers go along with clothing and disposition of liturgical vestments, helping the bishop to find concentration and arrangement before mass celebration.