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Monstrance stand

Monstrance stand

The monstrance stand is a shelf upon which the monstrance is placed. The monstrance is the sacred container used for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to the faithful. Such exposure takes place during worship and Eucharistic blessing. The very name of this furniture fully…



Lecterns are an essential church supplies. Usually the lectern is placed before the altar, on the presbytery. Its name derives from the greek λογειον, loghĕion, “pulpit” from which it differs in some features. While the pulpit is for the preaching, the lectern serves as a support…

Liturgical chasubles

Liturgical chasubles

Liturgical chasubles are what the priest wears during the celebration of Holy Mass. It is one of the most important sacred vestments and its use is linked to a specific coding and specific rules. Liturgical chasubles can be of various shapes. It should be worn…

Metal reliquaries

Metal reliquaries

The metal reliquaries are containers made of different materials and with the most varied forms, designed to contain and preserve the mortal remains of the saints, or what remains of them, like fragments of bones or other body parts. The word “reliquary” comes from the…

Prayer Kneelers

Prayer Kneelers

The prayer kneeler belongs to typical furnishings of churches and chapels since the fifteenth century. It is a piece of furniture, usually made of wood, used to kneel and pray. The kneeler can be placed before the tabernacle, an altar, a statue of a saint…

Metal Paten

Metal Paten

The metal paten is a small round plate on which the host is placed before and after being consecrated during Mass celebration. The metal paten is also used by the priest to catch any crumbs of the host and to cover the chalice. The paten…

Votive Candles

Votive Candles

Votive candles are of great importance in all religions of the world, but in the Christian one, they take such a strong symbolic meaning that they have become over the centuries an indispensable element both in celebrations and in the decoration of churches and places…

Church supplies

Church supplies

With Church Supplies we mean the set of objects that are used to worship, especially for the celebration of the Eucharist, but also to adorn the altar, the church and the person of the priest (in this case we speak more properly of liturgical vestments),…

Metal ciborium

Metal ciborium

The word ‘ciborium‘ probably comes from the Greek πυξίς, generic name for any vessel intended to contain small objects. It was mostly hardwood boxes but soon came used to define containers of metal or clay, ivory or bone. In the Middle Ages people began to…

Metal chalice

Metal chalice

Metal chalice is indispensable and important furnishings for the celebration. In fact, it is in the consecrated chalice that transubstantiation happens, and the wine becomes the blood of Christ. The uniqueness and greatness of this revelation has led over the centuries to the need for…

Travel mass kits

Travel mass kits

Travel mass kits are indispensable objects for modern priests, called much more than their colleagues of the past, to be ready to celebrate Mass everywhere, in different environments, often not equipped for this purpose. This makes inevitable the endowment of travel mass kits, real kits…

The Ambo

The Ambo

The ambo is a typical piece of furniture of the Christian Church since its origins. It is an elevated platform of various dimensions and materials, always decorated with engravings of solemn symbolic value. In its simpler forms, it is comparable to a normal lectern but…

Altar candles

Altar candles

Already when we were kids, we used to light a candle in the church, a gesture that almost seems like a game, but full of meaning. And this gesture means light. The light was first created by God and illuminates our lives since the beginning,…

Liturgical vestments

Liturgical vestments

With Liturgical Vestments, or Sacred Vestments we intend all clothes and linens, vestments and altar cloths used during mass celebrations from clergy. “Liturgical Vestment” has taken over in time of the previous definition “Sacred Vestment”, especially after the Liturgical Reform. Apparel has an important role…

The Communion chalice

The Communion chalice

The practise of passing round a chalice during a meal, from which all those present drink as a sign of communion, is as ancient as humanity itself. For a Christian, there is no greater moment than the communion of the Eucharist, when the bread of…

Metal Monstrance: the liturgical function UK

Metal Monstrance: the liturgical function UK

The word in Italian for monstrance ‘ostensorio’ derives from the Latin ostendĕre, which means to show. This has always been the function of this particular sacred object. Since the beginning, the intention behind its creation was to show the Body of Christ in the most…