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St. Disma, the good thief who went to heaven

St. Disma, the good thief who went to heaven

Contents1 Who were the two thieves on the cross with Jesus?2 Dysma, the penitent thief3 Prayer to St. Dismas Who was Saint Disma, the repentant thief crucified alongside Jesus on Golgotha? Let’s find out his story and how he became a saint From the Gospels…

The Mount of Olives, among the places dearest to Jesus

The Mount of Olives, among the places dearest to Jesus

Contents1 The biblical episodes that occurred on the Mount of Olives.2 Gethsemane or Garden of Olives.3 Jesus’ agony in Luke’s Gospel The Mount of Olives has since ancient times been a place of mysteries, the scene of great biblical events. This is where the Passion…

The lost years of Jesus’ life

The lost years of Jesus’ life

Let us investigate the lost years of Jesus’ life. What was he doing before he started preaching? Did he ever move away from Palestine? Jesus’ life is known mostly through the canonical Gospels, but there are many gaps, periods during which we can only guess…

Symbols of strength and love, here are the patron saints of women

Symbols of strength and love, here are the patron saints of women

Contents1 Mary2 Saint Anne3 St. Mary Frances4 Saint Paschal Baylon5 Saint Gerard Maiella6 Saint Monica7 St. Dominic Savio Women’s patron saints. On the occasion of the March 8 holiday, but remembered every day as examples, symbols and guardians It happens to everyone, at certain times…

Simon of Cyrene, the man who helped Jesus carry the cross

Simon of Cyrene, the man who helped Jesus carry the cross

Who helped Jesus carry the cross? Simon of Cyrene, despite himself a participant in the Passion and protagonist of the fifth station of the Way of the Cross. But who was he? The Synoptic Gospels recount the journey of Jesus to the hill of the…

Jesus’ crown of thorns and its meanings

Jesus’ crown of thorns and its meanings

Jesus’ crown of thorns is one of the most emblematic symbols of the Passion. Let’s find out why and what has happened to it over the centuries In ancient times, when a Roman soldier performed acts of great bravery, such that he rendered great service…

The meaning of INRI on the cross of Jesus

The meaning of INRI on the cross of Jesus

The meaning of INRI on the cross of Jesus: where does it come from and what does this mysterious abbreviation that appears in all depictions of Jesus on the cross mean? And what is the meaning of the name Jesus? Each one of us, attending…

The Chair of Saint Peter: the meaning of the work and the origins of the feast

The Chair of Saint Peter: the meaning of the work and the origins of the feast

Contents1 The Chair of Saint Peter by Bernini2 The Celebration of the Chair of Saint Peter3 The cathedra Petri What is meant by the Chair of Saint Peter? What is and where is this precious artefact? What is celebrated on February 22? February 22 is…

The face of Jesus: let’s reconstruct his true likeness

The face of Jesus: let’s reconstruct his true likeness

What was the true face of Jesus? What ethnicity did he belong to? A question that has fascinated and divided scholars and theologians for two thousand years If we were to ask a child what Jesus looked like, he would not have the slightest hesitation:…

St. Faustinus: why has he become the saint of singles?

St. Faustinus: why has he become the saint of singles?

February 15 celebrates St. Faustinus, the patron saint of singles in spite of himself. Let’s find out why We are all familiar with Valentine’s Day, the day of lovers, which falls on February 14. Perhaps not everyone knows, however, that February 15 is the day…

Quotes of saints to dedicate on the right occasion

Quotes of saints to dedicate on the right occasion

Contents1 Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Quotes2 St. John Bosco’s Quotes3 St. Francis’ Quotes4 St. Augustine’s Quotes5 Padre Pio’s Quotes6 St. Paul’s Quotes7 St. Francis of Paola’s Quotes8 St. Bernard of Clairvaux’ Quotes9 St. Thomas Aquinas Quotes Quotes of the saints, spoken and written by men…

Presentation of Jesus at the temple until the feast of Candlemas

Presentation of Jesus at the temple until the feast of Candlemas

Contents1 Feast of Candlemas2 Purification of Mary3 Proverbs about Candlemas The presentation of Jesus to the temple is celebrated on February 2. Also known as the Feast of the Purification of Mary, or Candlemas, it is a holiday that has taken on many different and…

Lamp for the Blessed Sacrament: how to use

Lamp for the Blessed Sacrament: how to use

Contents1 The Blessed Sacrament2 Tips for proper use of the Eucharistic Lamp3 What pillar candles are best to use? A symbol of God’s presence in every church, the Blessed Sacrament needs a special lamp that is perpetually lit. It is the lamp for the Blessed…

Plenary indulgence: meaning, origins and how to get it

Plenary indulgence: meaning, origins and how to get it

Contents1 The origin of plenary indulgence2 The Bull of Forgiveness: the first plenary indulgence in history3 Plenary indulgence for the deceased4 The Handbook of Indulgences5 St. Francis of Assisi and the forgiveness of pilgrims What is a plenary indulgence? Here’s why Pope Francis granted it…

DIY Candles: How to recycle leftover wax during the holidays

DIY Candles: How to recycle leftover wax during the holidays

Recycle DIY candle wax? An idea for savings, but also a creative game. Let’s discover how to make candles An article on how to recycle candles? It’s the right time of the year! After Christmas, you will surely find many wax “leftovers” at home, perfect…

How to store moss for the Nativity scene

How to store moss for the Nativity scene

Nativity moss, a precious gift from nature for our Holidays, deserves to be carefully preserved Everyone likes the natural and inimitable effect of crib moss. Although collecting moss is forbidden in our country, as it is a protected species, there is still a widespread tendency…

History of the Baby Jesus of Prague

History of the Baby Jesus of Prague

The statue of the Baby Jesus of Prague has always been an object of great popular devotion and over the centuries has inspired the spiritual fervor of many faithful all over the world The Kostel Panny Marie Vítězné, “Church of the Virgin Mary of Victory,”…

Fleeing to Egypt: the journey of the Holy Family to escape King Herod

Fleeing to Egypt: the journey of the Holy Family to escape King Herod

The fleeing to Egypt is an episode from Jesus’ childhood. Between history and faith here is the Savior’s first journey Not all the canonical Gospels recount the early days of Jesus’ life in a precise and timely manner. For example, we saw how only Luke…