The proverbs about Candlemas belong to the folkloric heritage of our country, but they also draw from the very origins of this feast, blending religion and paganism.
Everyone is familiar with the proverbs about Candlemas. Less known, perhaps, is the origin of this feast, which falls on 2 February, forty days after Christmas, and celebrates the purification of Mary after childbirth and, above all, the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:22-39), as prescribed by Jewish Law for all firstborn males.
Like many other religious feasts, Candlemas was adapted from a preceding pagan celebration, the Lupercalia. It was Pope Gelasius I around the year 474 AD who decreed the abolition of the Lupercalia, an ancient Roman festival celebrated in mid-February, which involved the use of torches, candles, and purification rites.
Light plays a very important role in Candlemas, which takes its name from the candles blessed on this occasion. The candles and their light symbolise Jesus Christ, who, during his visit to the Temple, was described by the old Simeon as a “light to enlighten the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32).
Presentation of Jesus at the temple until the feast of Candlemas
The presentation of Jesus to the temple is celebrated on February 2. Also known as the Feast of the Purification of Mary, or Candlemas.
Another religious tradition at the origins of Candlemas is the ancient daily rite of the Lucernarium, which, in the early Church, involved lighting a lamp at sunset during evening prayers. The lamp’s light challenged the encroaching darkness and symbolised Christ, who had conquered sin and death.
Light was also the protagonist of ancient pagan festivals that celebrated the end of winter, the return of light and warmth after the cold and darkness of winter, and the hope of spring, still distant but assuredly on its way. For the Celts, this celebration was known as Imbolc or Imbolic and Oimelc, falling on 1 February, the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
This variety of inspirations at the origins of the feast helps us understand why proverbs about Candlemas are so numerous. The blend of religion and paganism, sacred and profane, and the strong influence of popular tradition—especially from the farming world, so closely tied to the rhythm of the seasons—has given rise to a fascinating array of sayings, differing from region to region.

The Childhood of Jesus
The canonical Gospels provide only limited information about the childhood of Jesus, those so-called “hidden years” between His miraculous birth and the beginning of His preaching in Palestine.
Following the Birth in Bethlehem, mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, comes the Epiphany, the visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1), accompanied by the tragic event of the Massacre of the Innocents, ordered by King Herod to eliminate the young Jesus. The Holy Family had to set out again, fleeing to Egypt.
The lost years of Jesus’ life
Let us investigate the lost years of Jesus’ life. What was he doing before he started preaching? Did he ever move away from Palestine?
After this harrowing journey, the trail of the Holy Family and Jesus grows faint. From the evangelist Luke, we know that they returned to Nazareth and that “the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him” (Luke 2:39-40).
Apart from the already mentioned Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, another episode from His childhood recorded in Luke’s Gospel is the account of Jesus being lost and found at the Temple (Luke 2:42-43) during His bar mitzvah. According to Jewish tradition, when a boy turned twelve, he entered adulthood and was taken to the Temple by his parents.
Fleeing to Egypt: the journey of the Holy Family to escape King Herod
The fleeing to Egypt is an episode from Jesus’ childhood.
Candlemas Day
Thus, we see how Candlemas Day, 2 February, coincides with the feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple and generally celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, marking the symbolic end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the Lenten journey.
Although, after the Second Vatican Council, the celebration became primarily associated with the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, in the Tridentine liturgical calendar—instituted by Pope Pius V following the Council of Trent—the day was also remembered as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to Jewish law, a woman was considered impure for 40 days after the birth of a male child and, after this period, was required to go to the Temple for purification.

A common practice among Christians on this occasion, regardless of denomination, is to take candles to church to have them blessed.
Even in the United States and Canada, 2 February holds special significance, as it is thought to predict the end of winter. However, Americans rely on the predictions of a groundhog! Since 1887, these nations have celebrated Groundhog Day on 2 February. If Punxsutawney Phil, the mascot of Groundhog Day in the town of Punxsutawney, emerges from his winter burrow and cannot see his shadow due to cloudy skies, it means winter will end soon. But if it is sunny and the little animal sees his shadow, winter will continue for another six weeks.
Proverbs about Candlemas
Most of the proverbs about Candlemas concern current and near-future weather conditions. According to popular wisdom, the weather on Candlemas Day, 2 February, determines whether spring will come early or not. It is fascinating how these sayings vary from region to region, sometimes openly contradicting one another.
In Veneto, Lombardy, and Trieste, for example, it is believed that if it is sunny on Candlemas Day, winter is almost over, whereas if it rains or the wind blows, winter will continue for a while: “If it’s sunny on Candlemas, we’re out of winter; if it rains and blows, we’re still in.”
In Sicily, where the feast is known as A Cannilora, they say: “For Candlemas, winter is over, but if it isn’t, there are another forty days to go.” Another Sicilian saying is: “If it doesn’t rain on Candlemas, winter is past.”
In Piedmont and the Aosta Valley, there is a proverb reminiscent of the American Groundhog Day: “If the bear dries straw on Candlemas, winter is coming back.” According to popular tradition, the lunar bear emerges from its den on the night of 1 February and observes the moon’s position to predict the arrival of spring. For this reason, in some areas, Candlemas is also known as Bear Day.
Another Candlemas-related saying linked to animals is heard in Calitri (in the province of Avellino): “On Candlemas Day, it’s better to see a wolf than the sun,” meaning that if the sun shines on Candlemas, winter will last much longer, so it’s better to encounter a wolf!
Other proverbs about Candlemas are tied to traditional rural activities. For instance, “If Candlemas brings good weather, the wine will be strong and plentiful” means that if the weather is fine on this day, the wine will have a robust alcohol content and be of higher quality.
Another saying, “For Candlemas, both old and young hens lay eggs,” recalls memories of a simple life in close contact with nature and animals.