The 5-Finger Prayer by Pope Francis - Blog

The 5-Finger Prayer by Pope Francis

The 5-Finger Prayer by Pope Francis

The 5-Finger Prayer is an effective method suggested by Pope Francis to ensure that no one is forgotten in our prayers.

When Pope Francis was the Bishop of Buenos Aires, he already manifested all the human and faithful qualities that we still appreciate today. Chief among them is his love for simplicity, which should not be confused with banality or superficiality. We’re talking about the ability to make even complex, solemn, and profound concepts and actions easily understandable and accessible to everyone. It’s akin to explaining something complicated and hard to understand to a child. The 5-Finger Prayer falls into this category of simplified messages and tools created by the Pontiff to embrace as many faithful as possible and assist them in their journey of devotion and faith.

Pope Francis wrote this prayer over twenty years ago and immediately gifted it to the devoted people of Argentina, who greatly appreciated it. The 5-Finger Prayer is nothing more than a list of individuals for whom it is right and necessary to pray every day, divided into groups associated with the fingers of a hand, establishing a sort of priority scale. The basic concept is simple: love for one another.

We have seen, focusing on figures of saints and blessed ones like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, how important and essential the concept of charity is for a Christian. Charity is the virtue in the name of which a person loves God above all else and the neighbour as oneself. The foundation of charity is love. Jesus left us a new commandment, in many ways the most important one, which should be the basis of our daily lives. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)

Mother Teresa

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Mother Teresa symbol of charity
A new year has begun. Time for budgets and good intentions. What if our most important and sincere purpose was charity towards others…

Love must be the priority for each of us, not only in helping others, which can be manifested through works of charity and mercy but above all with love for those close to us. Pope Francis’s prayer is based on:

– Love for the family

– Dedication to others

– Hospitality

– Mercy

– Devotion to God

During October, the month of the Rosary, let us remember the importance of love, and how essential it is in our existence. The Rosary is an ideal instrument of devotion to convey this love because, among all prayers, it is the one that brings us closest to Jesus, through the intercession of His Mother and by imitating His example.

The 5-Finger Prayer by Pope Francis:

Thumb – The closest finger to you.

Begin by praying for those who are closest to you. These are the people you remember most easily. Praying for our loved ones is a “sweet obligation.”

Index finger – The pointing finger.

Pray for those who teach, instruct, and heal. This category includes teachers, professors, doctors, and priests. They need support and wisdom to guide others in the right direction. Always remember them in your prayers.

Middle finger – The tallest one.

It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, and leaders. They are the people who manage the destiny of our nation and influence public opinion. They need God’s guidance.

Ring finger – The weakest one.

Surprisingly, this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher can confirm. It is there to remind us to pray for the weakest, those facing challenges, and the sick. They need your prayers day and night. Prayers for them will never be too many. It is also there to encourage us to pray for married couples.

Pinky finger – The smallest one.

The smallest of all, just as we should feel small before God and others. As the Bible says, “The last will be first.” The pinky finger reminds you to pray for yourself. After you have prayed for everyone else, it is then that you can better understand your needs from the right perspective.