The calendar of events for the Jubilee 2025 has been published, twelve months of events and occasions to deepen faith, live fraternal communion, and walk together as “pilgrims of hope.”
The Jubilee 2025 will be an opportunity to experience a time of grace and mercy, and to walk together towards hope. It promises to be an extraordinary moment of joy, hope, and reconciliation, thanks to the anticipated influx of pilgrims from all over the world to Rome, which, like never before, will reaffirm itself as the preferred pilgrimage destination for Christians. This influx, so numerous and varied, will create unity and solidarity among the different religious communities, contributing to strengthening the bonds among the faithful from all parts of the globe. But the Jubilee of Rome promises to offer much more than an opportunity for meeting and prayer. In addition to religious celebrations, cultural events, concerts, and exhibitions will be organized to celebrate the rich history and art of Rome. These events will offer pilgrims a complete experience that will unite faith, culture, and spirituality. In this way, the Jubilee will not only be a moment of religious reflection but also an opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty and diversity of the eternal city.

Moreover, the Jubilee, also known as the Holy Year, has always been characterized not only by the solemn sacred rites that distinguish it from beginning to end but also by its intention to promote the holiness of life, strengthen faith, encourage acts of solidarity, and foster fraternal communion within the Church and society. A significant moment of spiritual renewal and commitment to the practice of the Christian faith, therefore, but also of unity of purpose and sharing of experiences that enrich the spirit and soul of those who take part.
The upcoming Holy Year will have hope as its central theme, and the motto chosen for the event is “Pilgrims of Hope.” In a symbolic gesture of great importance, on the occasion of the last World Youth Day, Pope Francis invited all young people to Rome in 2025 for the next Jubilee, so that they may become true “Pilgrims of Hope.” This call reveals a deep desire to involve young people in the journey of faith, encouraging them to be active protagonists of a better world. Through the call to hope, the aim is to convey a message of trust in the future, solidarity, and commitment to building a more just and fraternal society.

In anticipation of the upcoming Jubilee, Pope Francis has outlined his hopes for the new year, emphasizing the importance of a renewed spiritual commitment to understanding the concept of Mercy more deeply. He has called for prayer and conscious reflection on God’s will, so that we may embody it in our daily lives through concrete actions of compassion, forgiveness, and solidarity within contemporary humanity.
The number of pilgrims expected in Rome to participate in the many initiatives of the Jubilee is over 32 million.
Preparations for the Jubilee 2025 have already begun, with the creation of the Jubilee logo, a powerful symbolic representation of hope, with four stylized figures representing humanity embracing each other. The first of the figures, to which the others are connected, holds the cross. The message is clear: a hope of solidarity and brotherhood among all peoples united in faith in Christ.
The Jubilee Hymn has also been previewed during a press conference in the Sistine Chapel. It was written by theologian Pierangelo Sequeri and composer Francesco Meneghello from Mantua, selected from almost three hundred compositions proposed by artists from all over the world.

Jubilee 2025: Dates
Download the 2025 Jubilee calendar
December 24, 2024 – Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.
January 24-26 | Jubilee of the World of Communication
February 8-9 | Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Security Forces
February 15-18 | Jubilee of Artists
February 21-23 | Jubilee of Deacons
March 8-9 | Jubilee of the World of Volunteering
March 28 | 24 Hours for the Lord
March 28-30 | Jubilee of Missionaries of Mercy
April 5-6 | Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Health
April 25-27 | Jubilee of Adolescents
April 28-29 | Jubilee of Persons with Disabilities
MAY – JULY 2025
May 1-4 | Jubilee of Workers
May 4-5 | Jubilee of Entrepreneurs
May 10-11 | Jubilee of Bands
May 12-14 | Jubilee of Eastern Churches
May 16-18 | Jubilee of Confraternities
May 30 – June 1 | Jubilee of Families, Children, Grandparents, and the Elderly
June 7-8 | Jubilee of Movements, Associations, and New Communities
June 9 | Jubilee of the Holy See
June 14-15 | Jubilee of Sports
June 20-22 | Jubilee of Governors
June 23-24 | Jubilee of Seminarians
June 25 | Jubilee of Bishops
June 26-27 | Jubilee of Priests
July 28 – August 3 | Jubilee of Young People
September 15 | Jubilee of Consolation
September 20 | Jubilee of Justice Workers
September 26-28 | Jubilee of Catechists
October 4-5 | Jubilee of Migrants, Jubilee of the Missionary World
October 8-9 | Jubilee of Consecrated Life
October 11-12 | Jubilee of Marian Spirituality
October 31 – November 2 | Jubilee of the Educational World
November 16 | Jubilee of the Poor
November 22-23 | Jubilee of Choirs and Chorales
December 14 | Jubilee of Prisoners
December 24, 2025 – Closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Opening of the Holy Door
The Holy Year begins with the opening of the Holy Door and ends with its closing. The opening of the Holy Door not only represents the official beginning of the event but is imbued with symbolic meanings for the faithful. The Jubilee 2025 will begin on December 24, 2024, at 4:30 pm, with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. The solemn opening ceremony will be presided over by Pope Francis.
The Holy Year will conclude on December 24, 2025, with the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.
In addition to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, the other Holy Doors of Rome will also be opened: Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Basilica of St. John Lateran, Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Holy Door: what it is and what its opening represents
The opening of the Holy Door marks the beginning of the Jubilee, but it also represents a spiritually evocative symbol for Christians. Here’s what it entails.
The Jubilee 2025 Calendar
Each jubilee meeting will be an opportunity to deepen faith, live fraternal communion, and discern together the challenges of the contemporary world. An invitation to all the faithful to walk together as “pilgrims of hope,” bringing the light of the Gospel into the heart of society. The twelve months of jubilee meetings will be like waves of hope spreading from the heart of the Church to all humanity. An invitation to all to build a better future, based on fraternity, solidarity, and love.
The first significant date of Jubilee 2025 will be December 24, when the Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica will take place.
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The first major event of the Holy Year will be the Jubilee of the World of Communication, which will be held in Rome from January 24 to 26, 2025. It will be a precious opportunity to reflect on the role of communication in the contemporary world, promote the dissemination of constructive and peaceful information, and encourage all those who work in the field of communication to convey a message of truth and hope.
From February 8 to 9, 2025, the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police, and Security Forces will also be held in Rome, to recognize and celebrate the service provided by those who work daily for the security and defence of the country. In addition to recognizing the value of the service provided by the Armed Forces, Police, and Security Forces, it will be an opportunity to pray for peace and security in the world and encourage living service with fidelity and dedication.
The Jubilee of Artists will be held in Rome from February 16 to 18, 2025, aimed at musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, actors, directors, and all those who wish to come together in prayer for beauty and goodness. The event was initiated by Pope Francis to celebrate the gift of beauty and the role of artists in society. The goal of the initiative is to recognize the value of art and its role in society, encourage artists to use their talent to promote beauty and goodness and foster dialogue between art and faith.
From February 21 to 23, 2025, the Jubilee of Deacons will be held to celebrate the diaconal ministry the fundamental role of deacons in the Church and the value of the diaconal ministry. The purpose of the initiative will be to encourage deacons to live their service with fidelity and dedication and foster dialogue between deacons and priests.
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March 8 and 9 will be reserved for the Jubilee of the World of Volunteering, to celebrate the gift of free and loving service, while March 28 will celebrate the 24 Hours for the Lord prayer initiative. On March 29 and 30, the Jubilee of Missionaries of Mercy will be celebrated, to revive missionary zeal and solidarity with the neediest peoples.
April will be dedicated to health and youth. From April 5 to 6, the Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Health will be celebrated, a moment of deep reflection and intense prayer for those who suffer in body and spirit and for all those who dedicate themselves with love and dedication to their care, followed by that of Adolescents (April 25-27), an exciting adventure of faith and joy for all boys and girls aged 13 to 16. A unique opportunity to experience an encounter with God, with the Church, and with their peers from all over the world, and that of Persons with Disabilities (April 28-30), a unique opportunity to celebrate the dignity of every person, regardless of their physical or mental conditions, and to reaffirm everyone’s right to live a full and participatory life.
World Mission Day: giving oneself to others
October 24 marks World Mission Day, which consecrates October as missionary month
May will celebrate the Jubilee of Workers and that of Entrepreneurs, respectively on May 1-4 and May 4-5. They will be two occasions to celebrate the immeasurable value of work and to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of the world of work in a social and economic context that is constantly evolving, but also a moment of meeting and dialogue among workers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and representatives of the different realities of the world of work, to address common challenges and seek together solutions for a fairer and more sustainable future. This will be followed by the Jubilee of Musical Bands (May 10-11), that of Confraternities (May 16-18), and finally the month will end with the Jubilee of Children on May 24 and 25, dedicated to the importance of childhood, to listen to the voices of the smallest, often forgotten and unheard, and the Jubilee of Families, Grandparents, and the Elderly from May 30 to June 1, to rediscover the beauty and centrality of the family in society.
June will be dedicated to movements, associations, and new communities, but also to the Roman Curia and the Nuncios and to sports. From June 7-8, the Jubilee of Movements, Associations, and New Communities will be held, while June 9 will celebrate the Jubilee of the Holy See. The month will continue with the Jubilee of Sports on June 14-15, that of Governors from June 20-22, a moment of reflection and commitment for the common good by all those who hold political responsibilities at national and international levels, and that of Seminarians on June 23-24, an opportunity for discernment and vocational growth for all seminarians worldwide. The celebrations will return to focus on the church and its ministers with the Jubilee of Bishops (June 25), that of Priests (June 26-27), and that of Eastern Churches (June 28).
On July 13, the Jubilee of Prisoners will be celebrated, while that of Young People will take place from July 28 to August 3. In particular, July 28 will host the World Youth Day in Tor Vergata, to nurture the faith of young people and their protagonism in the Church and the world.
In September, the Jubilee of Consolation will take place (September 14 and 15), while on September 20 and 21, there will be the Jubilee of Justice Workers. The Jubilee of Catechists will take place from September 26 to 28, to recognize their fundamental role in the transmission of faith.
October, the month traditionally dedicated to the Feast of the Grandparents will begin with the Jubilee of Grandparents (October 4-5), to enhance the wisdom and experience of those who have so much to give. On October 8-9, there will be the Jubilee of Consecrated Life, on October 11-12 that of Marian Spirituality, on October 18-19 that of the Missionary World. October will end from October 28 to November 2 with the Jubilee of the Educational World, a unique opportunity to celebrate the fundamental role of education in the transmission of values and the construction of a better future.
Finally, in November, there will be two more great jubilee events: on November 16 and 17 the Jubilee of the Poor and socially excluded people, while from November 21 to 23 of Choirs and Chorales, to celebrate the beauty of choral singing and experience a moment of fraternal communion.
The Jubilee of Prisoners, which will be held on December 14, 2025, will be the last of the jubilee events of Jubilee 2025, an opportunity for encounter and hope for all prisoners in the world, a moment to celebrate the dignity of every person, even those who have made mistakes, and to reaffirm the right to hope and redemption.