Saints and blessed Archive -

Saints and blessed

The symbols of the Evangelists and their meaning

The symbols of the Evangelists and their meaning

Contents1 Saint Matthew the Evangelist2 Saint Mark the Evangelist3 Saint Luke the Evangelist4 Saint John the Evangelist Winged man, ox, lion, and eagle. The symbols of the Evangelists have been part of the history of sacred art and theology for centuries. Here is how they…

Valentine’s Day Traditions: How the Saint is Celebrated in Italy and Around the World

Valentine’s Day Traditions: How the Saint is Celebrated in Italy and Around the World

Contents1 So, who was Saint Valentine?2 Valentine’s Day in Terni3 Valentine’s Day in the rest of Italy4 Valentine’s Day around the world Chocolates, flowers, cards, but also love letters from God. Here are the Valentine’s Day traditions in Italy and around the world. There are…

The Miracles of Our Lady of Lourdes from Her First Apparition

The Miracles of Our Lady of Lourdes from Her First Apparition

Contents1 11 February, the Anniversary of Lourdes2 The Water of Lourdes and Its Miracles3 The Miracles Recognised by the Church at Lourdes The Church has recognised seventy of the seven thousand healings that occurred in the town of Lourdes as miracles of Our Lady. What…

Saint Francis de Sales, the Patron Saint of Journalists 

Saint Francis de Sales, the Patron Saint of Journalists 

Contents1 Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church2 Philothea, the Work of Saint Francis de Sales3 Prayer to Saint Francis de Sales Saint Francis de Sales made love for God and gentleness in expressing one’s faith the most powerful weapon of his…

Modern Saints: The Canonizations by Pope Francis in Recent Years

Modern Saints: The Canonizations by Pope Francis in Recent Years

Contents1 Canonizations by Pope Francis2 Saints Canonized in 20193 Blessed Canonized in 20204 Saints Canonized in 20215 Saints Canonized in 2022 Blessed saints are key figures in the history of the Catholic Church. Even today, men and women are deemed worthy of being canonized. Here…

The story of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples

The story of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples

Contents1 History of San Gennaro2 The relics of the saint at the Cathedral of Naples3 The treasure of San Gennaro The story of San Gennaro is set during the terrible persecution of Diocletian, but immediately covered with legend There are many mysteries related to the…

Saint Camillo de Lellis: the patron saint of the sick

Saint Camillo de Lellis: the patron saint of the sick

From a dissolute man to the founder of the Camillians, Saint Camillo de Lellis is the universal patron of the sick, nurses and hospitals Anyone who knew San Camillo de Lellis when he was young would never have imagined that that bully was devoted to…

The Confessions of Saint Augustine: How to Change Your Life

The Confessions of Saint Augustine: How to Change Your Life

Contents1 What the Confessions of Saint Augustine are About2 What Prompted Him to Write These Confessions3 The Confessions in Brief The Confessions of Saint Augustine are a timeless testimony of a journey of faith and self-awareness. The Confessions of Saint Augustine constitute the autobiography and…

Saint Bartholomew the Apostle: The Story of the Martyr Flayed Alive

Saint Bartholomew the Apostle: The Story of the Martyr Flayed Alive

On August 24, the commemoration of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, is celebrated. He is the patron saint of butchers, shoemakers, and anyone who uses cutting tools. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle is primarily remembered for his martyrdom, one of the most…

Relics of the Saints: The List of the 10 Most Fascinating Ones

Relics of the Saints: The List of the 10 Most Fascinating Ones

Contents1 Tooth of Saint Apollonia2 Blood of Saint Januarius3 Incorrupt Body of Saint Catherine4 Holy House of Loreto of the Virgin Mary5 Staff of Saint Joseph6 Saint John the Baptist7 30 Pieces of Silver of Judas Iscariot8 Saint Anthony of Padua9 Saint Agatha10 The Veil…

Saint Roch and the Dog: A Bond from the Middle Ages

Saint Roch and the Dog: A Bond from the Middle Ages

Contents1 Saint Roch of Montpellier2 The Story of Saint Roch and the Dog3 What Breed Was Saint Roch’s Dog? Why is Saint Roch depicted with a dog by his side? Read this article to discover the story of Saint Roch and the dog. A saint…

Coronation of the Virgin: Queen of Heaven and Earth

Coronation of the Virgin: Queen of Heaven and Earth

Contents1 Why is Mary called a queen?2 Encyclical Letter Ad Caeli Reginam3 Why August 22?4 How does Mary exercise this kingship of service and love? On August 22, we celebrate the Coronation of the Virgin, Mother of Jesus. What is the origin of this feast,…

Martha, Mary, and Lazarus: Friends of Jesus

Martha, Mary, and Lazarus: Friends of Jesus

On July 29, the memory of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany is celebrated. Here’s why these saints were among Jesus’ dearest friends. In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly declared July 30 as the International Day of Friendship. The goal of this observance is…

Saint Thomas, the Doubting Apostle

Saint Thomas, the Doubting Apostle

Contents1 “Unless I See, I Will Not Believe”2 The Doubt of Saint Thomas3 Saint Thomas and His Evangelistic Work4 Gospel of Saint Thomas Let’s talk about Saint Thomas, the doubting apostle, a devoted follower of Jesus and a great evangelist, often remembered more for his…

When Holiness Runs in the Family: Stories of Siblings Who Became Saints Together

When Holiness Runs in the Family: Stories of Siblings Who Became Saints Together

Contents1 Saints Donatian and Rogatian2 Saints Cyril and Methodius3 Saints Martha and Lazarus4 Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica5 Saints Andrew and Peter6 Saints Marcellina and Ambrose7 Saints Cosmas and Damian Stories of Saintly Siblings: When Holiness Runs in the Family. From Saints Cyril and Methodius,…

The patron saint of marriages Saint Anthony of Padua

The patron saint of marriages Saint Anthony of Padua

Doctor of the Church, Hammer of Heretics, Protector of the Poor, Saint Anthony of Padua is also considered the patron saint of marriages. Let’s see why. While Saint Rita of Cascia is regarded as the protector of marriages, particularly of unfortunate brides, there is also…

St Augustine of Canterbury, evangelizer of England

St Augustine of Canterbury, evangelizer of England

Contents1 The mission of St Augustine of Canterbury2 St Augustine of Canterbury as St Paul3 Saint Augustine of Canterbury evangelizer of England St. Augustine of Canterbury, known as the Apostle of England, is adored as a saint by Catholics and Anglicans. His credited for having…

Saint Matthew: the apostle who took the place of Judas Iscariot

Saint Matthew: the apostle who took the place of Judas Iscariot

Saint Matthew the Apostle, the protector of engineers and butchers, was the only apostle not chosen by Jesus, but by the apostles. Let’s get to know him better. St. Matthew, the twelfth apostle is celebrated on 14 May. An atypical apostle, because he was the…