Saints and blessed

The mystery of the Veil of Veronica, the cloth with the imprint of the face of Jesus

The mystery of the Veil of Veronica, the cloth with the imprint of the face of Jesus

Contents1 The Veil of Veronica: to whom did it belong?2 The healing of the bleeding woman3 Saint Veronica4 The Holy Face of Manoppello The Veil of Veronica is one of the most mysterious and fascinating relics in the history of Christianity. Where does the legend…

Holy sinners: here are the most famous conversions

Holy sinners: here are the most famous conversions

Contents1 Saint Paul of Tarsus2 Saint Camillus de Lellis3 Saint Matthew4 Saint Disma5 Saint Augustine6 Saint Pelagia7 Saint Mary of Egypt Holy sinners. A contradiction in terms? Not always. Here are the saints who converted after a life of sin Is one born or becomes…

Feast of Sant’Agatha in Catania between faith, tradition and folklore

Feast of Sant’Agatha in Catania between faith, tradition and folklore

The feast of Saint Agatha in Catania, with processions, typical costumes and famous candles, is a great event for many devotees. What is it? The feast of Saint Agatha in Catania is one of the largest religious events in Italy. The Saint is remembered with…

The patron saint of animals: Saint Anthony the Abbot

The patron saint of animals: Saint Anthony the Abbot

Contents1 Why is Saint Anthony Abbot represented with a fire and a pig?2 Prayer to Saint Anthony Abbot3 Temptations of Saint Anthony4 Saint Anthony the Abbot and Saint Francis: what do the two saints have in common? Saint Anthony the Abbot is remembered as the…

Holy Martyrs: sacrificing one’s life in the name of God

Holy Martyrs: sacrificing one’s life in the name of God

Contents1 Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist2 Saint Stephen3 Saint Agnese4 Saint Sebastian5 Saint Lawrence6 Saint Barbara7 Cosmas and Damian8 Saint Lucia The Holy Martyrs are men and women, often very young, who sacrificed their lives for the love of God, and for this reason,…

Cosma and Damian: the medical saints who treated for free

Cosma and Damian: the medical saints who treated for free

Contents1 Martyrdom of Cosmas and Damian2 Three dates for two saints3 Worship Diffusion4 Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Rome5 The first limb transplant in history (and other miracles) Doctors, twins, martyrs. Saints Cosmas and Damian shared an extraordinary life, an unwavering faith and…

Saint Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr

Saint Matthew, apostle, evangelist and martyr

Contents1 Saint Matthew the Apostle2 Martyrdom of Saint Matthew3 Saint Matthew the Evangelist On 21 September, Saint Matthew is celebrated evangelist, apostle and martyr. Who was he and how did he become an apostle? Saint Matthew the Evangelist is considered the author of one of…

The cult of Our Lady of Sorrows

The cult of Our Lady of Sorrows

Contents1 The origins of worship2 The Seven Pains Suffered by Mary3 Mary, all the suffering of a mother4 The depictions of Our Lady of Sorrows Our Lady of Sorrows is a name attributed to Mary, mother of Jesus. This is how secular devotion to Mater…

Saint Monica: patron saint of mothers and example for women

Saint Monica: patron saint of mothers and example for women

Saint Monica of Tagaste was a woman endowed with extraordinary strength of mind and unwavering faith. Let’s find out why she’s become a symbol for all mothers. Saint Monica is the patron saint of married women, mothers and widows. In an era when the woman…

Saint Peter and Paul, why are they celebrated together?

Saint Peter and Paul, why are they celebrated together?

Contents1 The Story of Saint Peter, the menโ€™s fisherman2 History of Saint Paul, apostle of the Gentiles3 Why are Peter and Paul celebrated together?4 The depiction of the embrace of Saints Peter and Paul On June 29, Saint Peter and Paul are celebrated. Two apostles,…

24 June Saint John the Baptist

24 June Saint John the Baptist

Contents1 The Precursor: Why John the Baptist Is Called That2 The baptism of Jesus3 The Madonna del Cardellino: explanation of the work4 Our Lady, Jesus and John the Baptist5 What the name John means On 24 June we celebrate the birth of Saint John the…

Saint Anthony of Padua, the Saint of miracles

Saint Anthony of Padua, the Saint of miracles

Contents1 The miracles of Saint Anthony2 The sermons of Saint Anthony3 Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony of Padua was already one of his contemporaries master of Christian wisdom and an author of immortal works. Charged with the teaching of theology by Saint…

The Florets of St. Francis explained briefly

The Florets of St. Francis explained briefly

Lent, a time of penance and little sacrifices. Today we are talking about the Florets of San Francesco, a collection of episodes from the life of the Poverello of Assisi and a fairy tale reconstruction of his preaching. We talked about the importance of little…

Santa Margherita da Cortona: protector of women in childbirth

Santa Margherita da Cortona: protector of women in childbirth

Contents1 Life of Saint Margaret of Cortona2 Santa Margherita da Cortona: protector of women who have to give birth3 The miracles of Santa Margherita da Cortona4 Feast of Santa Margherita da Cortona5 Sanctuary of Santa Margherita da Cortona We discover the figure of Saint Margaret…

The Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo

The Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo

Contents1 What is a Shrine2 The Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo3 23 September What drives thousands of people to visit the Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo every year? Let’s get to know one of the most famous pilgrimage sites…

Mother Teresa symbol of charity

Mother Teresa symbol of charity

Contents1 So, what is charity2 Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her work of charity3 Good resolutions for the new year A new year has begun. Time for budgets and good intentions. What if our most important and sincere purpose was charity towards others? Mother Teresa…

The Canticle of the Creatures of St. Francis

The Canticle of the Creatures of St. Francis

Contents1 His life2 The Cantico of Creature3 St. Francis and the animals St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most loved and venerated saints by the Catholic Church. Close to the poor, brother of the least, he made love for all God’s creatures his…

The night of San Lorenzo: the night of shooting stars

The night of San Lorenzo: the night of shooting stars

Contents1 But what binds this young and beloved saint to the night of the shooting stars?2 When is the night of San Lorenzo?3 Poem about the night of San Lorenzo4 Phrases for the night of San Lorenzo5 San Lorenzo night song6 The Night of St.…