Programmer 4
Programmer 4: nativity scene electric box. Programmer 4 electric device
with 4 programmable 220V outputs. Through the programming it is possible to switch on and off various outputs according to the needs and the operation can be repeated several times (the new programming erases the previous one). All outputs allow for resistive loads (filament lamps) and inductive loads (motors, transformers, electronic effects, etc.). The programmer 4 can be used autonomously by connecting it ...
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Info and features
Programmer 4: nativity scene electric box. Programmer 4 electric device
with 4 programmable 220V outputs. Through the programming it is possible to switch on and off various outputs according to the needs and the operation can be repeated several times (the new programming erases the previous one). All outputs allow for resistive loads (filament lamps) and inductive loads (motors, transformers, electronic effects, etc.). The programmer 4 can be used autonomously by connecting it directly to the 220V power supply or as a synchronizer by connecting it to a 220V "sincro" (for inductive loads) of any control unit. The simplicity of its programming and its compactness make the system fully versatile to everyone's reach. Technical features Programmer 4: - power supply: 220V, - voltage on sockets: 220V, - maximum total power: 1000W, - outputs not in fade.