Settings, houses, workshops, wells
Settings, houses, workshops, wells
Settings, houses, workshops, wells: in this category you can find various types of houses and environments, to build and make your crib special. You can select articles based on the finish (Arabic, classic rustic or Romanesque) or according to different variants of settings: settings of all kinds, villages, shops, stores, houses, cottages, castles, churches, fires, minarets, taverns, stairs, stables and more. All items are made of wood, cardboard, moss and cork. They are of different sizes, shapes, and subject, to make your nativity extremely special.
Settings, houses, workshops, wells
Settings, houses, workshops, wells: in this category you can find various types of houses and environments, to build and make your crib special. You can select articles based on the finish (Arabic, classic rustic or Romanesque) or according to different variants of settings: settings of all kinds, villages, shops, stores, houses, cottages, castles, churches, fires, minarets, taverns, stairs, stables and more. All items are made of wood, cardboard, moss and cork. They are of different sizes, shapes, and subject, to make your nativity extremely special.