Day of Wrath
Director: Dreyer Carl Theodor Cast: Thorkild Roose, Lisbeth Movin, Anna Svierkier, Sigrid Neiendam Production: Palladium Film - Country: Denmark, Year: 1943, Synopsis: In a 17th-century Danish village, an old woman is accused of witchcraft. In the shadow of her flight, capture, confession, and burning at the stake, the young wife of the town's aging pastor falls in love with the pastor's son. Her confession of this illicit affair to her husband brings on her husband's death. At the funeral the p...
Info and features
Director: Dreyer Carl Theodor Cast: Thorkild Roose, Lisbeth Movin, Anna Svierkier, Sigrid Neiendam Production: Palladium Film - Country: Denmark, Year: 1943, Synopsis: In a 17th-century Danish village, an old woman is accused of witchcraft. In the shadow of her flight, capture, confession, and burning at the stake, the young wife of the town's aging pastor falls in love with the pastor's son. Her confession of this illicit affair to her husband brings on her husband's death. At the funeral the pastor's mother denounces the young widow as a witch. Will the widow's lover come to her defense, or has the day of wrath returned?