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Holyart Premium offers you one year of FREE unlimited shipping on all orders of 34.4299 £ or more
Become a Premium member: with our introductory offer for just £ *, less than the cost of a single shipment, you start saving straight away. Plus, with our exclusive offers and promotions, you can save up to 1500 € per year.
Here's what's in store for you

Unlimited free shipping
For just £ * for the first year, enjoy unlimited free shipping on orders of 34.4299 € or more, with no extra charges

A bestseller for 1€ every week
Save up to € 1,500 per year: each week a selected best-selling product is available for just1€ or with discounts up to 80%!

Exclusive discounts and promotions
Enjoy extra discounts and promotions exclusively for members throughout the year pluspreviews of our offers
*After 1 year, Premium will automatically renew at a cost of £ unless promotions apply. You can cancel the automatic renewal or unsubscribe at any time.
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