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Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

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Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

Metal Chalices Patens and Ciboria: silver chalices with gold-plated cup for the most important liturgical celebrations. Chalices, patens and ciboria in different styles and sizes. 

In this category you will find more than 700 different types of chalices, ciboriums or patens and travelling chalices. Thanks to the filters on the left you can quickly choose whether to display the chalices, ciboria or patens. You can also choose the style and brand: chalices, patens or ciboriums by Forma Fluens or Molina.

You can also find the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Chalice with gold crystals and chalice holder, along with other useful accessories, in the special category of Jubilee 2025 Church and Liturgy Items.

    1247 ProductsShow
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    60 items
    Set of chalice and ciborium, braided vine with grapes and red rhinestones
    Set of chalice and ciborium, braided vine with grapes and red rhinestones
    Starting at  £ 341.00
    Bag for chalice with IHS, white cotton, 11x11 in
    Bag for chalice with IHS, white cotton, 11x11 in
    £ 9.53
    Bag for chalice, black cotton, 11x11 in
    Bag for chalice, black cotton, 11x11 in
    £ 4.89
    Cloth for cleaning gold plating, brushed cotton, 10x10 in
    Cloth for cleaning gold plating, brushed cotton, 10x10 in
    £ 3.49
    Gothic chalice with silver cup, silver-plated brass, h 8 in
    Gothic chalice with silver cup, silver-plated brass, h 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 2,945.74
    Octagonal ciborium with crown of thorns and amethysts, silver-plated, h 10 in
    Octagonal ciborium with crown of thorns and amethysts, silver-plated, h 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,564.24
    Octagonal chalice, brass with amethysts, h 8 in
    Octagonal chalice, brass with amethysts, h 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,450.57
    Fleur-de-lis ciborium, crown of thorns, gold plating, h 12 in
    Fleur-de-lis ciborium, crown of thorns, gold plating, h 12 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,844.04
    Fleur-de-lis chalice, crown of thorns on the node, brass, h 10 in
    Fleur-de-lis chalice, crown of thorns on the node, brass, h 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,231.98
    Ciborium with Florentine cut-out pattern, silver-plated, h 14 in
    Ciborium with Florentine cut-out pattern, silver-plated, h 14 in
    Upon request
    £ 3,129.36
    Hammered bowl paten with golden finish, h 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 252.69
    Crown of Thorns chalice, gold and silver plating, h 8 in
    Crown of Thorns chalice, gold and silver plating, h 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,092.08
    Sacred Heart chalice, gold plated, h 10 in
    Sacred Heart chalice, gold plated, h 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,677.91
    Crucifix chalice with ear of wheat and grapes, golden finish, h 7 in
    Crucifix chalice with ear of wheat and grapes, golden finish, h 7 in
    Upon request
    £ 890.98
    Baroque chalice with silver cup, bicoloured finish, h 10 in
    Baroque chalice with silver cup, bicoloured finish, h 10 in
    £ 2,333.68
    Life of Christ chalice with silver cup, gold and silver-plating, 10 in
    Life of Christ chalice with silver cup, gold and silver-plating, 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 2,333.68
    Holy Trinity Gothic chalice, silver and brass, gold plated, 8 in
    Holy Trinity Gothic chalice, silver and brass, gold plated, 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 2,132.58
    Holy Trinity Gothic silver chalice, silver finish, 8 in
    Holy Trinity Gothic silver chalice, silver finish, 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,983.94
    Baroque chalice, Christ Mary and the Evangelists, h 10 in
    Baroque chalice, Christ Mary and the Evangelists, h 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 2,841.69
    Rocchetto brass chalice, silver finish, h 8 in
    Rocchetto brass chalice, silver finish, h 8 in
    Upon request
    £ 724.85
    Chalice with grapes and wheat, nickel silver cup, gold and silver finish, h 10 in
    Chalice with grapes and wheat, nickel silver cup, gold and silver finish, h 10 in
    Upon request
    £ 1,914.86
    Set of chalice, ciborium, paten and bowl paten
    Set of chalice, ciborium, paten and bowl paten
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 768.57
    Wooden Crucifix Chalice and carved wooden paten with gold plated bowl
    Wooden Crucifix Chalice and carved wooden paten with gold plated bowl
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 523.75
    Chalice and bowl paten, walnut and gold plated brass, twelve-sided
    Chalice and bowl paten, walnut and gold plated brass, twelve-sided
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 410.08
    Chalice and ciborium, French collection, gold-plated finish
    Chalice and ciborium, French collection, gold-plated finish
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 4,869.35
    Molina chalice with Risen Jesus, gold plated brass
    Molina chalice with Risen Jesus, gold plated brass
    £ 331.38
    Brass bowl paten by Molina, pattern of ears of wheat
    Brass bowl paten by Molina, pattern of ears of wheat
    £ 733.59
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, ivory-coloured enamelled brass
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, ivory-coloured enamelled brass
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 296.41
    Set of chalice and paten bowl, Molina, silver-plated brass, twisted base
    Set of chalice and paten bowl, Molina, silver-plated brass, twisted base
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 462.54
    Set of chalice and paten bowl, Molina, silver-plated brass
    Set of chalice and paten bowl, Molina, silver-plated brass
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 558.72
    Chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina brass set
    Chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina brass set
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 812.29
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Chi-Rho, Molina, brass
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Chi-Rho, Molina, brass
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 480.03
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, stainless steel, Molina
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, stainless steel, Molina
    Starting at  £ 207.22
    Set of chalice, ciborium and bowl paten by Molina, fired enamel and gold plated brass
    Set of chalice, ciborium and bowl paten by Molina, fired enamel and gold plated brass
    Starting at  £ 278.92
    Set of chalice and ciborium with decorated node and hammered base, bicoloured brass
    Set of chalice and ciborium with decorated node and hammered base, bicoloured brass
    Starting at  £ 217.72
    Chalice and ciborium with decorated node, polished gold plated brass
    Chalice and ciborium with decorated node, polished gold plated brass
    Starting at  £ 217.72
    Chalice and ciborium of the Last Supper, bicoloured brass
    Chalice and ciborium of the Last Supper, bicoloured brass
    Starting at  £ 498.39
    Chalice and ciborium of the Last Supper, 24K gold plated brass
    Chalice and ciborium of the Last Supper, 24K gold plated brass
    Starting at  £ 488.77
    Molina paten bowl, gold plated brass, stripe of grapes and wheat
    Upon request
    £ 742.34
    Molina ciborium of gold plated brass, twisted base, 9.5 in
    Upon request
    £ 865.62
    Molina ciborium, gold plated brass, stripe of grapes and wheat
    Upon request
    £ 953.06
    Molina bowl paten, gold plated, spheric node, 5 in
    Upon request
    £ 410.95
    Travelling chalice, gold plated brass, Molina, spheric node
    Travelling chalice, gold plated brass, Molina, spheric node
    £ 287.67
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten, Molina, bicoloured brass with leaf pattern
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten, Molina, bicoloured brass with leaf pattern
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 523.75
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, hammered gold plated brass
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, hammered gold plated brass
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 628.67
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, gold plated brass, grapes and wheat
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten bowl, Molina, gold plated brass, grapes and wheat
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 733.59
    Set of Molina chalice ciborium and bowl paten, passion flower and Evangelists
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 848.14
    Chalice ciborium and bowl paten by Molina, fish pattern, silver-plated brass
    Chalice ciborium and bowl paten by Molina, fish pattern, silver-plated brass
    Starting at  £ 506.26
    Chalice ciborium and bowl paten with leaf pattern, silver-plated brass, Molina
    Chalice ciborium and bowl paten with leaf pattern, silver-plated brass, Molina
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 803.54
    Eucharistic set chiselled by hand, gold plated brass, Molina
    Eucharistic set chiselled by hand, gold plated brass, Molina
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 760.70
    Eucharistic set, Crown of thorns, Molina, gold plated brass
    Eucharistic set, Crown of thorns, Molina, gold plated brass
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 628.67
    Molina Eucharistic set, gold plated brass, leaf pattern
    Molina Eucharistic set, gold plated brass, leaf pattern
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 375.10
    Eucharistic set of gold plated brass, net pattern, Molina
    Eucharistic set of gold plated brass, net pattern, Molina
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 341.00
    Eucharistic set by Molina, gold plated brass, black node
    Eucharistic set by Molina, gold plated brass, black node
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 341.00
    Molina Eucharistic set of gold plated brass with chiselled base
    Molina Eucharistic set of gold plated brass with chiselled base
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 341.00
    Molina Eucharistic set, brass, twisted stem
    Molina Eucharistic set, brass, twisted stem
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 428.44
    Eucharistic set by Molina, gold plated brass, Gothic design
    Eucharistic set by Molina, gold plated brass, Gothic design
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 375.10
    Molina chalice ciborium and paten of gold plated brass with grape and wheat pattern
    Molina chalice ciborium and paten of gold plated brass with grape and wheat pattern
    Upon request
    Starting at  £ 1,040.50
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten, gold plated, spheric node, Molina
    Set of chalice ciborium and paten, gold plated, spheric node, Molina
    Starting at  £ 331.38
    Red enamelled ciborium with gold plated lid, Molina, 9 in
    Upon request
    £ 925.95

    Metal Chalices Patens Ciboria

    Metal Chalices Patens and Ciboria: silver chalices with gold-plated cup for the most important liturgical celebrations. Chalices, patens and ciboria in different styles and sizes. 

    In this category you will find more than 700 different types of chalices, ciboriums or patens and travelling chalices. Thanks to the filters on the left you can quickly choose whether to display the chalices, ciboria or patens. You can also choose the style and brand: chalices, patens or ciboriums by Forma Fluens or Molina.

    You can also find the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Chalice with gold crystals and chalice holder, along with other useful accessories, in the special category of Jubilee 2025 Church and Liturgy Items.

    Bavly | 11/14/2024
    All communication on the product arrival was really clear. When I brought the liquid oil candles...
    Derek | 11/13/2024
    HolyArt provides a great service. The range and quality of the products is excellent and competitively...
    Kristin | 11/7/2024
    I couldn't be happier with my purchase of this Christmas town! Delivery was exceptionally quick,...